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Jakub Bielawski

Joint PhD Student (2023 - )

Research Centre for Fire Safety Engineering

Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Office: ZN 808




Jakub Bielawski is PhD student and fire safety engineer at Building Research Institute (ITB) in Poland, visiting Hong Kong PolyU. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees at the Main School of Fire Service in Poland. His research interest are combining numerical simulations and experimental fire research. Jakub has performed more than 250 in situ hot smoke tests in tunnels and buildings.

Background of Education

  • M.Eng. in Fire Safety Engineering, Main School of Fire Service, Poland (2020-2022)

  • B.Eng. in Fire Safety Engineering, Main School of Fire Service, Poland (2016-2020)


Research Interests

Fire dynamics, tunnel fires, smoke control, fire behavior of building elements

Prizes and Awards

  • 2022  Scholarship to attend 2nd Asia-Pacific Combustion Institute Summer School – Fundamental Combustion Problems in Fires, Valparaíso, Chile, 4-9, December 2022


  • Bielawski J., Papis B.K., Krajewski G., Węgrzyński W., An exploratory investigation into moisture content and wind impact on the fire behavior of modular living walls, Fire Safety Journal (in publishing process)

  • Król M., Król A., Koper P., Bielawski J., Krajewski G., Węgrzyński W., Wind driven natural flow through the different types of openings on the façade - An experimental investigation, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 71, 2023, 106491 ISSN 2352-7102,

  • Hopkin D., Węgrzyński W.; Gorska C, Spearpoint M., Bielawski J., Krenn H., Blondeau R., Sleik T, Stapf G., Full-scale fire experiments on cross-laminated timber residential enclosures featuring different lining protection configurations (under review)


  • Bielawski J., Węgrzyński W., Experimental investigation of moisture content influence on the fire behavior of modular living walls, European Conference & Expo on Fire Safety Engineering (SFPE23), Berlin, Germany, 29-30, March 2023. [Presentation]

  • Bielawski J., Węgrzyński W., Król A., Król M, Initial airflow conditions for fire scenarios based on traffic parameters, 10th International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Security (ISTSS 2023), Stavanger, Norway, April 26 - 28, 2023. [Poster]


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